XF 1.x Referral Contests €29.99

Grow your member base by rewarding your users for inviting others to join the community.
This version is for XenForo 1.x only.
Compatible XenForo versions
  1. 1.5
Main Features
  1. Create referral contests
  2. Make your board invitation only (Optional)
Admin Features
  1. Create and manage contests
  2. Create and manage referral tools: banners, text links
  3. View who referred who
  4. View who invited who
  5. Create invitations
Admin Options
  1. Set referral URL parameter (The URL parameter used in the referral links)
  2. Track HTTP Referrer
  3. Display Referral Count
  4. Display Referral Block in Member Profile Sidebar
  5. Referral Trophy Points (Optional - Set the number of trophy points a referrer will receive for each referred member)
  6. Contest Display Position: Above Forum List, Sidebar Top, Custom - Using template callback
  7. Enable Navigation Tab (If enabled, a tab will be added to navigation, linked to referral contests page)
  8. Display Tab Contest Count
  9. Make Board Invitation Only (If enabled, registration will be available via member invitation only)
  10. Enable Invitation Page (If enabled, the invitation will be linked to a custom invitation page)
  11. Invitation Page Description
  12. Invitation URL Parameter (The URL parameter used in the invitation links)
User Permissions
  1. Refer Members
  2. View Contests
  3. Send Invitations - limit
  4. Invitations Per Day - limit
Users will get alerts when they refer new users and also when winning contests.

Product information

First release
Dec 1, 2016
Last update
Jul 26, 2018
Latest version

License agreement

The license includes 12 months of updates and support.

After this period, you may renew your license for €9.99 to continue receiving updates and support for an additional 12 months.

For full details, please review the License Agreement here.

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