XF 2.x Shoutbox €14.99

A lightweight shoutbox widget.
This version is for XenForo 2.x only.
Compatible XenForo versions
  1. 2.0
  2. 2.1
  3. 2.2
  4. 2.3
This is a shoutbox widget that you can add in any of the available widget positions.
  1. Shoutbox refresh interval - Allows you to set refresh interval for new messages. This option can be disabled.
  2. Maximum shout length - Set the maximum allows shout length.
  3. Shout display limit - Set the maximum number of shouts to display on page load.
  4. Delete shouts older than - Allows you to auto-delete shouts older than x days.
  5. Enable sound - Enable sound notification for new shouts.
  6. Enable avatars - Display user avatar in shout.
  7. Allow BB codes - Controlls if BB codes are parsed or not.
  8. Footer - Allows you to add custom data (ads, notices, etc) in the shoutbox footer.
It has user group permissions for using shoutbox, editing/deleting shouts, prune shoutbox (/prune)
When scrolling at the bottom of the shouts, older shouts will be automatically loaded.

Product information

First release
Sep 19, 2017
Last update
Nov 6, 2024
Latest version
2.0.4 (XF 2.3.x Only)

License agreement

The license includes 12 months of updates and support.

After this period, you may renew your license for €4.99 to continue receiving updates and support for an additional 12 months.

For full details, please review the License Agreement here.

BB code tag
